ǂ Free Download: http://goo.gl/x0ql0l ǂ Follow eau claire : http://soundcloud.com/eau-claire http://www.facebook.com/iameauclaire http://twitter.com/iameauclaire http://iameauclaire.com ǂ Photo by kirsten berlie : http://www.flickr.com/photos/coldforkphotography/ ǂ Follow us on : FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/ExperimentalTunes SoundCloud : http://soundcloud.com/experimentaltunes Twitter : http://twitter.com/ExpTunes ǂ Font : http://www.dafont.com/admiration-pains.font - If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please contact (romanianvibes@gmail.com or send a private message) and we will delete it immediately.

Yesterday I posted a remix of a classic, & today I felt like doing the same because this one is so swank in its own right. Eau Claire manages to change the sound entirely while still maintaining the integrity of the original. This version is still a world of fun and love the contemporary vision of it. Enjoy~
